Crowdfunding Total: Total pre-matching amount raised on the Indiegogo (2018, 2019) or Tiltify (2021, 2022, 2023). Grand Total: Combined total as reported on the website, including crowdfunding, matching donations, and FTDWS bank account. Votes Total: Total number of votes as reported on the website. Donors Total: Total number of donations made on the Indiegogo or Tiltify. Both Indiegogo and Tiltify count multiple donations from the same account as individual backers/donors. Live Viewers: Number of live viewers on the P4A livestream. Only includes YouTube viewers, does not count other streams (i.e. TikTok). unixTime: Unix timestamp in seconds. indyTime: ISO 8601 timestamp for time in Indianapolis, IN (GMT-5). fakeTime: Offset timestamp for comparison between different years. Assumes all P4As start at 2000-01-01T12:00:00-05:00. interpolated: Tells whether the values for the timestamp are interpolated (true) or actual measured values (false). Data for 2018 was collected in 30-minute samples, data for 2019 and later were collected in 10-minute samples. The 10-minute dataset for 2018 includes interpolated values using the 30-minute dataset.